Author Resume

July 2022, SEE, INVISIBLE is performed in Columbus, OH as one of six plays selected for the Columbus Black Theatre Festival.
March 2022, MONSTER is performed in St. Louis, MO. as a finalist in the Spectrum Short Play Festival, produced by First Run Theatre.
June 2021, SEE, INVISIBLE makes the longlist for the British Theatre Challenge, becoming one of the top 25% of over 400 submissions.
May 2021, THAT GUY: A STAGE PLAY, scene one, was given a stage reading as a part of the "Wake Up to Life: Out of the Ashes" showcase in Cleveland, Ohio at the Rainey Institute.
September 2020, THAT GUY: A STAGE PLAY is published via Amazon KDP. In November 2020, the play is awarded the top prize in the Performing Arts category of the Best Book Awards, sponsored by American Book Fest.
August 2020, YOU PEOPLE, a short play, is presented online by Equality Productions in Cincinnati, featuring actors Ivory Mazur and Sal Rendino, and directed by Courtney Meagan Kennell.
August 2020, ANOTHER KIND OF CANCER, a monologue featuring actor Ryan Gregory Thurman is presented online by Equality Productions in Cincinnati.
August 2020, LEAVING HOME, a monologue presented online featuring actor Ryan Vincent.
March 2020, FLIGHT OF FANCY: a monologue, is performed in Columbus, Ohio at Red Herring Theater as a selection of the "Monologue Mondays: Still Feisty".
August 2019, Fields’ one-act play, MONSTER, is licensed and published by Lazy Bee Scripts.
August 2019, Fields’ thirty-minute version of his full-length play, THAT GUY, is one of thirty plays out of approximately 280 submissions to make the 2019 British Theatre Challenge shortlist and Fields received a special mention from the judges along with three other playwrights.
July 2018, A FARAWAY PLACE, Fields' first novel, is published.
July 2018, THIS IS A SAFE SPACE! is one of thirty plays, out of 200+ submissions, to make the shortlist for the British Theatre Challenge 2018.
June 2018, Peter Anthony Fields’ short play, THE VISIT, is performed for three nights as a selection of the Fade to Black Short Play Festival, held in Houston Texas. ​
June 2018, Fields’ short play, CITIZENS LOYAL: A SATIRICAL THRILLER, is one of thirty-five plays, out of 313 submissions, to make the shortlist for Broom Street Theatre’s “Unpresidented” Play Festival.
January 2018, ABOUT MICHAEL is licensed and published by Lazy Bee Scripts.
November 2017, Fields’ one-act play, THIS IS A SAFE SPACE!, premieres at Kent State University as a selection of the E/Z Black Box Series.
October 2017, THE INTERVIEW is one of four plays selected for performance at Western Reserve Playhouse in Bath, Ohio.
April 2017, ABOUT MICHAEL is performed in London, U.K. at the LOST Theatre as a selection of the British Theatre Challenge: Act II, produced by the Sky Blue Theatre Company.
In April 2016, Fields' one act play, ABOUT MICHAEL, premieres at Kent State University.
November 2015, Fields' one-act play, THE INTERVIEW, premieres at Kent State University (KSU).
June 2013, Peter Anthony Fields' ten minute play, BURDEN, is produced at the Fade to Black Short Play Festival, in Houston, Texas.